Digital Photo Academy

Learn How To Use Your Digital Camera

Greg Miller

Greg Miller

GregMillerDPAGreg Miller photographs a wide range of subjects from bold & colorful panoramas of dramatic elements of nature to intimate monochromatic artistic nudes with subtle textures and tones. Commercial assignments include projects ranging from New York’s Adirondacks to Chilean Patagonia. Miller has three photography books published. His third book celebrates the natural beauty of Tuxedo Park. a private enclave founded by the gilded elites of New York City. His first photo book, The Hudson River: A Great American Treasure (Rizzoli, 2008) has been honored by being named to The Bloomsbury Review’s Favorite Books of the Year list for 2008. In 2011, Miller was honored by being selected as one of three artists represented in the inaugural limited edition Artist Portfolio by the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz, NY. Greg served as “Artist in Residence” at Acadia National Park in autumn of 2009. Greg’s photographs have been featured internationally in publications such as Popular Photography & Imaging, Outside, B&W (Black and White) magazine, Photo District News, Europe’s DIGIfoto magazine, Hudson Valley, Budget Travel, and InsideOut Hudson Valley. Greg is a Singh-Ray Filter featured photographer.!/index!/p/tuxedo-park-the-gif

Call Digital Photo Academy at 1 877 372 2231. Lots of people seem to hang up if our welcome recording comes on instead of a live voice, but we promise to return your message within a day or two if you leave one with your name and number.  It would be even better if you included your e mail address as well as the date and city of the class you are considering.  If leaving a voice mail message is not your thing, please email us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Comments to “Greg Miller”

  1. “I just tagged you in my album from last week in Hudson Valley. I just had a great time. Thank you so much.”


  2. “Hey guys,

    Chris here, just want to say that I had a great time this past Sunday with you and the rest of the group. This is my first time taking any formal instruction on photography and even though it wasn’t a technical “how to” course, I came away with a lot of good information. For example, I never realized that blue sky days were not optimal for taking landscape photographs and that the clouds help to diffuse the light for much better results. I also find myself looking at the Histogram for just about every shot whereas before I had no idea what that thing even was. I still have a lot to learn but we all have to start somewhere and I’m glad that I started with you guys. Thanks again.

    Thanks again and looking forward to working with you guys again in the future. ”

    -Chris Carrasco

  3. “Thanks again for the class. I have attached four photos from Sunday. Thank you for these informative attachments.”


  4. “I found this workshop to be inspiring. I learned quite a bit about using my camera in different situations, the effective use of a polarizing filter ( I just ordered one) and the importance of a tripod in capturing detail and making use of focal points. Thank you a terrific field day. ”


  5. “Dear Richard,

    love your resident groundhog. I had a wonderful time at the workshop today. Only sorry I hadn’t planned to be there through the evening. Hopefully another time. Thank you to you and Jill for graciously accepting Wookie into your animal menagerie….however I will probably leave him at home next time….easier to concentrate on photography. I hope you all got some great photos during sunset. Thanks again and best wishes to Jill for a safe and fun trip.



  6. “Yes, thank you, Greg!!

    I’m looking forward to going through this information to keep it fresh.

    You’re a very enjoyable person to work with.
    Cheers! You’ve inspiring me to learn more about photography and the use of a my camera.”


  7. “Good Morning Greetings, Richard,

    Thank you for yesterday’s experience. We learned a lot from Greg!! ”

    -Dawn-Marie Bacon

  8. “Dear Richard – Thank you for the great program with Greg Miller yesterday. It was fun and I hope to participate in a DPA event again soon. For now, I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.”

    – Thi

  9. “The class was great! I learned a lot of good tips from Greg and tried some techniques I have not
    taken the time to try before.



  10. “I just wanted to tell you that today’s session was everything I was expecting and more.”


  11. “I had an awesome day with Greg and learned so much. I look forward to the next workshop!

    Than you for an amazing and informative day!”

    -Sharon Grandstaff

  12. “I truly enjoyed the workshop. Greg was a great instructor, informative, genial and helpful. It was good that the group was limited to 10. I was a bit disappointed with my output. It must have been the camera 😉 I’ve attached a few of my more interesting shots.

    Looking forward to another workshop.

    All best,”


  13. “Jealous of your beautiful home! The workshop was great – as enjoyable as it was informative. Nice people, wonderful photo ops and pizza – perfect! I’m enclosing a few of my shots from the day. Many thanks Richard and to Greg as well, a most inspirational instructor. ”


  14. Thank you so much for your instruction.
    This was my second time taking the workshop but I learned different techniques and gain some knowledge.
    You did not hide anything and shared your tricks which probably took many years for you to developed.

    And thanks for answering many questions. You took time to answer each question and gave new perspective of
    taking a photograph.

    I would take the class again in the near future.


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